Empowering Healing Through Virtual Reality

Mizelium boldly supports the visionary artist Piotr Armianovski and the non profit organization ART-DOT, in a beacon of transformative healing. Through the synergy of innovation and compassion, Piotr Armianovski and ART-DOT pioneer the use of virtual reality to aid wounded individuals on their journey to recovery. Amid the challenges faced by both civilian and military patients, virtual reality offers a path to escape emotional distress and physical pain. With Ukrainian-language content and autonomous VR helmets, this project is poised to reshape rehabilitation. Mizelium stands committed to fueling this transformation by uniting the power of collective giving. Your contribution can make a significant impact on the Nafta Theater's mission. Join us in supporting Piotr Armianovski and ART-DOT's mission to empower healing and rewrite the narrative of recovery.

Video presentation of experiments with virtual reality at the Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics of NAMNU starting from summer 2022